Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Time Goes By See What's Become Of Me...."

More than a little time has passed since the last time I posted. Apologies for that first and foremost. Life has been a bit hectic in the last couple of weeks. One or two bad things happened at work, which have led to me keeping somewhat of a low profile online in these last couple of weeks. Of course, I am completely to blame for these things going wrong and in a way I'm glad they have happened as it's taught me a valuable lesson - namely, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Somewhat resultant of that has led me to being a bit happier at work. I still won't say it's the best job in the world (far from it), but I remember leaving work one day a week or so ago and having this funny feeling take over me, leaving me to feel exhilarated and happy for no apparent reason. After some thought about what might be causing this phenomenon (other than the fact that the two loves of my life would be waiting for me at the other end of the journey), I realise this is what people call 'job satisfaction!' I had done a productive days work and I felt great about it. I would certainly like more of that please! Still, I am continuing to look for something else a little closer to home though. I don't mind the journey so much, but I do mind the cost of the journey. Which leads me on to my next subject.

W has returned to work and has just started her third week. I'm pleased that she is enjoying it so much and we're all hoping that something more full time comes of it. Everything crossed. Obviously, with that comes a problem as B cannot look after herself just yet (I know she is bright and articulate and (*shudder*) finally mobile, but it's still a little early yet). Typically last minute, W and myself left sorting a child minder out until the last minute, but to cut a long story short, we were successful in our search and B seems quite settled now. However, we could do without the £40 a day fees. I'm still not sure we are going to be able to afford it. Simply put, we have to - everything must go if need be.

As for how it all went, the first few weeks were predictably problematic, with B crying the minute she was handed over and her not sleeping very well in the day. However, we seem to be approaching some form of normality now.

We hope.

I must say that W adapted into her new role much better than I did. I'm so proud of her! Handing B over to a stranger in the morning can't be the easiest thing in the world to do. I know I would struggle. With her new job only being short term, she doesn't have the time to settle in that I did, let alone deal with all the emotion of being out of work for an extended period of time - she just has to get on with it. I have so much admiration for her for fitting everything in. My day is not as frantic, with long periods where I am just sat on the train, reading free trashy papers, scrawling numbers into small 3 by 3 boxes and listening to Radio 2 drop in and out of range, just as a decent song comes on!

There has been a bit of illness too. I have been ill for the last week and a bit. However, I haven't been lucky enough to have the time off as while I am in my 6-month probation period, I do not get paid and I can't afford to not get paid. So basically the Lemsip people are very happy with me as I seemed to be flying through the stuff. I know, like Marmite, you either love or hate Lemsip. I'm in the former of the two camps and would happily drink it day in and day out. I'm coming out the other side of the illness now, just in time for my Birthday weekend - yay me!

I promise I won't leave it so long next time.

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